Evidence for Pleistocene habitability and occupations in the Western Desert of Egypt, MIS 4 through early MIS 2.


Marcia F. Wiseman1, Maxine R. Kleindienst1 and Mary M.A. McDonald2


1 University of Toronto, Canada

2 University of Calgary, Canada


Although many have considered that the Western Desert of Egypt, the entire area west of the Nile Valley, was uninhabitable and uninhabited during MIS 4 through MIS 2—the 'Empty Desert Hypothesis'--evidence for the availability of water and, therefore, habitability does exist.    Lithic aggregates found during surveys in Dakhleh Oasis (Sheikh Mabruk Unit, 318 Unit) and on the bounding eastern escarpment and plateau above Kharga Oasis depression (Khargan Unit, originally defined by G. Caton-Thompson) likely relate to those times of potential habitability.    Such aggregates are assigned to the Terminal Middle Stone Age, and to the Khargan Complex.   These are thought to fall between MIS 4 and early MIS 2, most likely in MIS 3.   In addition, a few aggregates in Kharga can be considered as Later Stone Age (Aguz Unit), dating sometime in MIS 2.



  • Kleindienst M.R., Blackwell B.A.B., Skinner A.R., Churcher C.S., Kieniewicz J.M., Smith J.R., Wise N.L., Long R.A., Deely A.E., Blickstein J.I.B., Chen K.K.L., Huang A., and Kim M.Q.D. 2016. Assessing long-term habitability at an eastern Sahara oasis: ESR dating of molluscs and herbivore teeth at Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt. Quaternary International 408:106-120.
  • McDonald M.M.A., Wiseman M.F., Kleindienst M.R., Smith J.R., Wreschnig A., Taylor N.J., Blackwell B.A.B., and Skinner A.R. 2016. Did Middle Stone Age Khargan peoples leave structural features? ‘Site J’, The Forgotten Settlement Of The ‘Empty Desert’, Kharga Oasis, Egypt: 1933 And 2011. Journal of African Archaeology 14(2):155-179.
  • Skinner A.R., Blackwell B.A.B., Kleindienst M.R., Smith J.R., Kieniewicz J.M., Adelsberger K.A., Churcher C.S., Deely A.E., Mashiriqi F., Spiller K.V., Blickstein J.I.B., Gong J.J.J., and Long R.A. 2013. Reconstructing paleoenvironments in the Western Desert, Egypt: ESR dating freshwater molluscs from Kharga Oasis. In: Armitage R.A., and Burton J.H., editors. Archaeological Chemistry VIII. Washinton D.C./Oxford: American Chemical Society/Oxford University Press. p 321-364.

Khargan outlook workshops (dark patch) on top of high Railroad Gebel at Midauwara Area, Locality MD-028.  Looking west to Kharga depression, with dark tufa deposits in middle ground.(Photo M. F. Wiseman, 2008).
Khargan outlook workshops (dark patch) on top of high Railroad Gebel at Midauwara Area, Locality MD-028. Looking west to Kharga depression, with dark tufa deposits in middle ground.(Photo M. F. Wiseman, 2008).